At a special meeting on 9th May 2024, those who attended voted that the time had sadly come to dissolve the Hurst Pantomime Group and transfer the remaining funds and assets back to the Village Hall committee, as per the constitution. Unfortunately, no-one came forward to take on any of the committee roles, so the group can no longer continue.

We have asked the Village Halls committee to ringfence the money we transfer for any future group who wish to produce plays, pantos, or other form of amateur dramatics in alignment with the aims of the group. We will keep the Facebook pages open too, to let people to have a forum to discuss possible future options.

If anyone does want to claim ownership of any items that have been created (e.g. in terms of scenery, props) then they should contact Claire using the Hotmail email address which we will keep open for the time being.

It is really sad that after 21 years of producing fantastic pantos in the village the group has had to close, but with no one coming forward to take over, the group is currently not viable.

Thank you to everyone who has taken part in so many ways over the years, some great experiences have been had and wonderful friendships made.

We hope that in the future someone will come forward and start another amateur dramatic group using the funds ring fenced.

For now, the curtain must fall.

All the best
The Panto Team





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